Exploring the Concept of Justice





  • Is "blind justice" achievable?
  • Can justice ever be truly served when different individuals perceive it differently?
  • What are the limitations of legal systems in achieving perfect justice?
  • Are there situations where justice and mercy might come into conflict?

Reading Text questions
  1. Do you think Dr. Kosta was justified in blowing the whistle, even if it meant facing personal consequences? Explain your reasoning.
  2. How could the hospital have addressed the issues raised by Dr. Kosta while minimizing negative impacts on the institution and its staff?
  3. In your opinion, what are the most important qualities a healthcare professional should possess to advocate for patient safety and justice within the system?
  4. This case highlights the complex relationship between whistleblowing, accountability, and public trust. Discuss one ethical dilemma this case presents and suggest possible solutions.
  5. Imagine you are the hospital administrator. How would you approach this situation to ensure patient safety, address public concerns, and maintain trust in the institution?
